Sunday, December 24, 2006

December 24 – How Isaac knew Him.

Our dearest Heavenly Father,
We thank You for this day, we thank you for Your mercies, Your goodness, Your love, for the breath of life, for the song we can sing, for Your awesome faithfulness, presence and love. Blessed be Thy holy name forevermore. We join the angels and sing holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, heaven and earth are filled with Your goodness, hosanna in the highest. My Lord and My God, we thank You this day for Your love, Your tendermercies, Your fellowship. We thank You most especially for Jesus who You gave to die for us for the redemption of our sins and reconciliation back to You and for Your precious Holy Spirit which You gave to dwell with us and live in us. Daddy, we are so grateful for You hardly ever stop giving to us – things to build our spirit, things to build our souls, things to build our bodies, Your Word, Your joy, Your peace, Your love, Your forgiveness, unending blessings... , and this day we give of all of ourselves to You in Jesus name. Father, take total control of all of us – our spirit, our soul, our body. Be exalted in our lives in Jesus name. Amen. Abba Father, please give unto us a Spirit of wisdom and knowledge in the revelation of You, that we may know You. We thank You because You hear us when we pray. We acknowledge You O God as Lord over our lives and ask that in all that we do, today and even evermore we glorify Your holy name. In Jesus mighty name we pray with thanksgiving, Amen.

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