Wednesday, May 9, 2007

May 9 – No longer debtors

Our dearest heavenly Father,
The Most High God, the One who is higher than the highest, the One who is greater than the greatest, the One who is better than the best, the One who sits in the heavens and makes the earth His footstool, hallowed be Thy holy name. Father we give You all the glory and all the honour and all the praise on this day. Blessed be Your holy name forevermore. Omnipotent God, we just want to thank You on this day for the support You give to us on this race that we are running – the body of believers, the crowd of witnesses, Your Holy Spirit, Jesus, Your ministering angels. Lord God we stand in awe of You and are so grateful for how much You want us to have life, even more than we do sometimes. We thank You at this time that we are no longer debtors to the flesh and thus do not live after it. We thank You for Your Spirit in us, by whom we can mortify the deeds of the flesh, not having to fulfill its lusts anymore. Lord God this day, in the name that is above every other name, we say every deed that is drawing us away from You, be exposed and mortified today by the Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus. We thank You Abba Father, we thank You our Lord Jesus, and we thank You precious Holy Spirit of God. Lord God Almighty, be exalted this day in Jesus mighty and exalted name we pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

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